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Paediatric ACL Reconstruction Recovery & Risks

Recovery and Risks

ACL reconstruction in children is safe and effective with excellent results, however, if the wrong techniques are utilised then complex problems can arise with growth and deformity.

Children and adolescents are playing more sports, and at higher intensity than ever before.  As such, there is an increasing frequency of ACL and associated injuries being diagnosed.    Children present a vastly different spectrum of ACL problems than adults, as they have growth plates around then knee which need careful consideration, and they also have a higher rate of re-rupture than adults.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Children generally recover quicker than adults, however, due to the high risk of re-injury Dr Slattery utilises the same protocol for rehabilitation as adults: ACL-Post Op Protocol

The biggest problem that is faced is that children generally are very keen to get back to full activity, so restricting their activities is the most difficult part of their treatment.


Paediatric ACL reconstruction is a safe and highly effective treatment, and generally they have an excellent recovery and are able to resume full activities.

Children have a higher risk of re-rupture than adults as they tend to get back into their full activities early and undertake the same high intensity activity which caused the initial rupture.

Other risks include (not limited to):

  • Growth disturbance
  • Stiffness
  • Instability
  • Infection
Deformity in Legs
Above: Left knee deformity following ACL reconstruction using a non growth plate sparing technique
To book an appointment please contact Dr Slattery’s rooms on
03 5752 5020 mobile
We aim to see all fractures within 24hrs