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Paediatric Fractures
Fractures/Broken bones in children are very common and Dr Slattery has extensive experience treating these and the problems that they can present. As children are still growing and have different anatomy, they are not ‘mini adults’ and they need special consideration and treatment.
Children’s bones and resulting injuries are quite different from those affecting adults. Children have growth plates which can be injured, and these can have long lasting consequences if not treated appropriately. Children’s bones also are softer and more elastic than adults due to the presence of blood vessels within them (‘Haversian canals’), this makes it much easier to bend rather than break/fracture a child’s bones – similar to trying to snap a ‘green tree branch’ rather than a dried out piece of wood.
This anatomical feature can give rise to a specific kind of fracture referred to as a greenstick fracture. Unique to children and most common during infancy, a greenstick fracture is a stable fracture where part of the bone remains intact, presenting as a bend in the bone rather than as a clean or partial break with a definite angle. Similar to a standard fracture, the area around a greenstick fracture can be swollen, red or bruised and will most likely be painful or tender to the child.
Additionally, children’s bones are covered in a very thick layer of supporting tissue called periosteum, which assists in fracture healing, this supports and heals children’s fractures much faster than those of adults. Children also have great potential to ‘remodel’ or ‘grow out’ deformity from fractures, which adults cannot do.
Dr David Slattery has provided consultation and treatment for a diversity of fractures in children. Understanding the unique needs of younger patients,
Dr Slattery is able to tailor at treatment plan for paediatric fracture patients, leveraging a variety of conservative and surgical interventions to achieve their optimal health outcome. Believing that continuity of support is a key contributor towards patient recovery, Dr Slattery is available for pre-operative and post-operative consultation, and is experienced in a variety of surgical techniques for children with fractures.
Dr Slattery endeavours to see all fracture patients within 24 hours of initial enquiry. Contact his rooms in Melbourne on 03 5752 5020 or call 1300 266 356 for after hours fractures.

Growth plates of the body and how much they contribute to limb length (Image from The Royal Children’s Hospital)