What Does A Worn-Out Hip Feel Like?


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If you have found that previous treatments have been unsuccessful and you have exhausted various non-surgical approaches such as pain management and physical therapy, then it may be time to schedule a consultation. When methods such as painkillers, physiotherapy, osteopathy, exercise, and weight loss were once effective but are no longer providing relief from your hip pain, it may be appropriate to consider hip replacement surgery.

You might be thinking, is it worth getting hip surgery? Hip replacement surgery is an excellent and highly effective option for individuals who have been experiencing long-term problems with their hip and have not found adequate relief through alternative treatments. So, how can you tell if your hip needs to be replaced? Read on to learn about common symptoms that often indicate the need for hip replacement surgery.

How Does a Worn-Out Hip Feel Like When It’s Time for a Hip Replacement?

People will often see a hip specialist regarding hip replacements. They become necessary when the native joints have deteriorated to an irreparable extent, causing intense and persistent pain as well as significant limitations in daily activities. This form of pain is caused by a variety of medical conditions that progressively deteriorate the joint over time. The most common include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis. Typically, the pain is concentrated in the area between the hip and knee. However, if the pain extends further down towards the ankle it could potentially be attributed to issues related to the back.

Inflammatory arthritis can manifest as symptoms throughout the body, including fever, decreased appetite and fatigue. When the hip joint is affected by inflammatory arthritis, it typically results in pain and stiffness. Additional symptoms that may prompt a patient to opt for a hip replacement include:

  • Aggravation of pain while walking short distances, you may require support from a walking stick or painkillers just to cope with daily activities like climbing the stairs.
  • Difficulty in walking up and down the stairs.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns due to hip discomfort.
  • Impaired ability to do simple tasks such as standing up from a seated position.
  • Continued pain even with the use of medication.
  • Restricted mobility and stiffness, for instance, challenges encountered while attempting to put on shoes or socks, particularly if one foot proves to be more difficult than the other.
  • The single-leg test can be an indicator of a potential hip problem, if you find it challenging to stand on your affected leg for more than a minute, even with assistance for balance.

How Can You Tell If Your Hip Needs To Be Replaced?

Typically, patients will have explored alternative conservative treatments that have proven ineffective or have failed to provide relief. It is also essential to bear in mind that personal perspectives play a significant role in determining what is considered ‘acceptable’ in terms of mobility. It depends on your unique lifestyle and personal preferences.

While undergoing a total hip replacement can have a profound positive impact on your overall health and quality of life, it is essential to ensure it is right for your individual circumstances. To schedule a consultation for a hip replacement, you can get in touch with one of Dr Slattery’s Melbourne consultation rooms or fill out the online enquiry form.

