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Hamstring Injuries (Tears/Ruptures)
One of the most common hip injuries is a hamstring tear or ruptured hamstring. It commonly occurs in kicking athletes, waterskiiers, or after accidents due to knee extension and hip flexion.
Three muscles form the hamstring muscle group: semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris. These muscles travel up the back of your leg, from your knee to your pelvis. They function to extend your hip (move your thigh behind you), and flex your knee (bend your knee). They are of critical importance in running, jumping and athletic activities.
The images at right show the attachments of the hamstring muscles.
There are three populations who suffer from hamstring ruptures/injuries:
- Young patients (Teenagers): who avulse (tear away) the bone where the hamstring tendons attach to the pelvis
- Athletes who participate in high demand sports (eg footballers/soccer players)
- Older patients (>40yrs) who have lower demands

Normal Hamstrings (Above): semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris make up the three hamstring muscles.
Treatment of hamstring injuries
BBecause of the varying causes and severities of hamstring tendon tears and ruptures and the different populations that suffer from them, each hamstring injury must be individually and carefully assessed. In some cases, conservative treatment may only be required for recovery, but other injuries may necessitate surgery.
Surgery may be required to repair two common hamstring injuries: a tear within the muscle itself, or an avulsion of the tendon away from the bone. Ruptured hamstring muscles require imaging to diagnose – usually an MRI – and may require surgical repair but can often be remedied with rest, icing and compression followed by rehabilitation. More serious are tendon avulsions, which may require surgical intervention to reattach the tendon to the bone and often an extended period of rest.
Regardless of the specific nature of your industry, Dr Slattery will be able to provide guidance on the specific level of treatment required. A specialist in complex knee, pelvic and hip surgery with experience in multiple different kinds of joint replacement and treatment, Dr Slattery provides consultation on a range of hip conditions including labral tears, arthritis and others, helping you better understand your needs as a patient.
Dr Slattery understands that each condition will manifest differently in different people, and as such tailors his treatments and responses to better meet the requirements of individual patients. With the ability to consult at three different institutions across Melbourne and capabilities to offer telehealth consultations for rural, regional and interstate patients, Dr Slattery makes it easy to discuss your concerns.
Should you wish to schedule a consultant with Dr Slattery, please contact our rooms at the Glenferrie Private Hospital on 03 9819 6934, or make an appointment through our online contact form.