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Total Hip Replacement Protocol


The aim of having Total Hip Replacement surgery is to improve mobility, increase strength and flexibility and reduce pain within and around the joint. It is important to remember that the surgery will correct the problems within the joint, but the associated muscle weakness that may have developed over time due to the problems within the joint will require post-operative rehabilitation that will take time post-surgery.

Dr. Slattery gives personal and individual care to all his patients and will advise you on a total hip replacement rehabilitation protocol that is specific to your needs, but of course, we are always on hand if you have any problems or queries. Don’t hesitate to call us if you notice a sudden increase in pain or swelling, if the wound becomes red or hot, if you notice any numbness, if you feel feverish or if you experience any shortness of breath, and we will advise you what to do next.

We usually schedule a post-operative appointment for 14 days after your surgery, and you will not be permitted to drive until at least this time, so please make sure you have made alternative arrangements for transport. We also recommend at least 2 weeks’ leave from work or school for most surgeries, but this will obviously depend on the type of work you do, and the type of surgery you have undergone.

How Much Pain Will I Be In?

Everybody has a different pain threshold, so pain cannot be measured on the same level for everyone. However, Dr. Slattery uses cutting-edge techniques that provide terrific outcomes with less pain and suffering than more conventional surgeries, and with our main focus on you, the patient, we will ensure you have a smooth and quick recovery.

Depending on the type of surgery you have, a pain control regime will be prescribed by Dr. Slattery and your Anaesthetist, so you must follow the medical instructions as prescribed and not drink alcohol, drive or perform activities that require concentration whilst on this medication.

What To Expect Initially Post-Op

Remember that you have had a total hip replacement – that is a major thing for your body to go through, so naturally you will experience some amount of pain and swelling after your surgery, but this should start to decrease after the first few days. We recommend that you ice the surgery site for the first few days to help reduce this pain and swelling.

You will have a dressing on the wound which you must keep clean and dry, and do not get in a bath for at least 2 weeks until your wound has healed.

Total Hip Joint Replacement Protocol | What About Physiotherapy?

Recovery after a hip replacement, for the first 2 weeks Dr. David Slattery may advise you on some gentle exercises you can do at home, and depending on the surgery undertaken and your total hip replacement rehabilitation protocol, formal physiotherapy will be conducted in hospital.

Involved in a total hip replacement protocol, physiotherapy can help improve your strength and gait and prevent complications from occurring later on. Early weight-bearing and physical activity can be very beneficial to your recovery and you can discuss a physiotherapy regime with Dr. Slattery pre-surgery.

Arranging a Consultation with our Hip Specialist Surgeon

Dr Slattery is a specialist in complex knee, pelvic and hip surgery with experience in multiple different kinds of joint replacement and treatment. His experience as a hip surgeon in this area extends to including total hip replacement, robotic hip replacement, hip arthroscopy and hip resurfacing.

Centred on his patient’s needs, Dr Slattery believes in tailoring treatments suited to each individual. During your hip treatment consultation, at any one of his three Melbourne consulting rooms, you will be guided through the process while being informed of any risks that may be involved with the procedure. 

To arrange a consultation with Dr Slattery, please contact his office by calling (03) 5752 5020. Otherwise, please make an appointment through our online contact form. 



To book an appointment please contact Dr Slattery’s rooms on
03 5752 5020 mobile
We aim to see all fractures within 24hrs