Walking Unaided After a Hip Replacement

How do you know if you need a hip replacement? The best place to start would be to understand what hip replacement surgery is. This common procedure replaces the injured hip joint with an artificial replica. There are options for hip replacement surgery, and this will be discussed with your doctor and Melbourne orthopaedic surgeon, but all avenues require a general anaesthetic or an epidural to relieve pain. Although not taken lightly, hip replacement surgery in Australia are one of the most common surgical procedures, making them also one of the safest. Successful hip replacement surgery can be life-changing, as its aim is to release any existing pain, as well as increase hip mobility, so you can return to the tasks of everyday life with ease.

What are the Signs of Needing a Hip Replacement?

Signs you need a hip replacement differ for every individual, however, there are some common indications that are important to look out for. Most evidently, recurring, or persistent strain around the hip joint could be an indicator that the joint needs replacing. However, discomfort is not always isolated to this area, and you could feel pain around the groin, thigh, or knee joints. There is often swelling or stiffness, especially after long periods of rest, and less frequently, visual, and auditory indicators such as wasting muscles and cracking sounds as the muscles rub together. Another familiar sign is the reduced ability to complete everyday tasks. Being unable to walk, exercise, drive or take part in other responsibilities because you are too uncomfortable could answer what are the signs of needing a hip replacement? It’s also important to assess what your injury does to your mental health. Suffering from hip pain can become an emotional toll on your health and well-being. It’s critical to recognise that patients don’t just suffer physically, and the mental strain can be just as damaging.

Having a hip replacement does not come as a first response. Individuals who suffer from the above symptoms are often encouraged to seek alternative measures such as pain relief, steroid injections, or physiotherapy. When do you need a hip replacement? It is likely that the time is right if the prior treatments are no longer effective.

Risks and Rewards of Having Hip Replacement Surgery

Like with most things, there are positives and negatives to be informed of before electing a hip replacement. Despite its success rate, some patients may encounter nerve damage, risk of dislocation or blood clots, as well as infection. Of course, by taking extra care and following advice such as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding falls, you can limit the likelihood of such events. So, what are the signs of needing a hip replacement? A good way to judge is if, in your situation, the benefits will outweigh the potential limitations.

What to Do if You Think You Need Hip Replacement Surgery

If these signs you need a hip replacement sound familiar, and you are wondering whether now is the right time to venture down this avenue, then you should seek support from your doctor and orthopedic surgeon in Melbourne. Many patients who have had the procedure refer to it as their new lease of life. Thanks to modern technology, new hip joints are now lasting for at least 20 years, therefore the enhanced quality of life will be long-lasting.
