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Hip Revision Replacement FAQs

Hip Revision Replacement


Hip Replacement is major surgery, so we have listed as many commonly asked questions about the procedure as we can.

What is hip revision surgery?

Hip revision surgery is revising (exchanging) parts, or the entire hip replacement.  The amount of surgery required can be quite variable, from a simple exchange of the bearing surfaces (similar to the tyres on a car), or it can involve changing the entire hip replacement (trading in the whole car).  The amount of surgery required to fix your hip replacement is highly variable, and it depends upon the type of hip replacement you have, the problems you are having with it, and what approach for surgery has been completed already.

Do I need a revision of my hip replacement?

Hip revision surgery is revising (exchanging) parts, or the entire hip replacement.  The amount of surgery required can be quite variable, from a simple exchange of the bearing surfaces (similar to the tyres on a car), or it can involve changing the entire hip replacement (trading in the whole car).  The amount of surgery required to fix your hip replacement is highly variable, and it depends upon the type of hip replacement you have, the problems you are having with it, and what approach for surgery has been completed already.

What is rehabilitation like after hip revision surgery?

Revision hip replacement is highly variable, and consequently the rehabilitation is variable as well.  For simple operations, such as liner exchange, immediate weight bearing, and mobility is permitted with the use of crutches.  For larger procedures, or if complete exchange of the hip replacement is performed, the rehabilitation is significantly longer, and often restrictions are placed upon weight bearing, range of motion and mobility until the prosthesis is integrated, and the soft tissues are fulled healed.

Dr Slattery will guide you through the rehab process post operatively.

When can I walk after hip revision surgery?

Weight-bearing and walking is allowed immediately after surgery. Initially, this will be aided by crutches.

When can I drive after hip revision surgery?

You should not drive for 48 hours after an anaesthetic. After 48 hours, your ability to drive will depend on the side you had your operation, left or right, and the type of vehicle you drive, manual or automatic. It is reasonable to drive when you are confident with walking and can fully weight-bear on your affected side. The usual recommendation is 6 weeks.

When can I work after hip revision surgery?

Your return to work will vary depending on the procedure performed and type of work you are engaged in. Most people can return to office work within 2-4 weeks.

When can I do exercise after hip revision surgery?

Low impact activities, such as cycling and hydrotherapy, can be commenced from week 2 when the wound has been checked and you have been reviewed.

How long will I take to heal?

The wounds take 7-10 days to heal. They should be kept clean and dry during this period.

To book an appointment please contact Dr Slattery’s rooms on
03 5752 5020 mobile
We aim to see all fractures within 24hrs